February 23, 2011
So who watched Real Housewives of Miami last night? It's about time they aired the premier since it was filmed a year ago!
For starters, isn't this Real Housewives of Miami not Fort Lauderdale? Just checking.... Maybe because Larsa spends enough time in Miami with the other wives, she gets a "bravo tv different county but it's okay waiver" !?? Besides that I liked what I first saw of Larsa. She looks great for having 4 kids and with taking care of the 4 kids, her husband, and managing all the finances, she certainly has her hands full. She doesn't seem like she'll cause too much trouble- she's all about family but does make time for her girlfriends--- she's kind of like Miami's version of Kyle circa first half of the season.
Adrianna is annoying... such a flirt...one second she's engaged the next second she just has a bf and the next second she's flirting with ten men!? Apparently finding out her husband had another wife while they were still married made her want to be scummy just like him!? She has a little too much confidence and needs to practice speaking English because saying "I'm not any lesser because I'm don't have blond hair and blue eyes...." well that just doesn't fly! She's reminding me of Camille's evil latin twin who isn't as rich?
Christy is also annoying.... she thinks she's Gods Gift to the World.... Does anyone know why she split with Glen Rice or why he split with her? And did I understand her right when she said she has full custody of 2 of her step sons, so does that mean their real mother is just totally out of the picture and obviously Glen is too?
Marysol's mother seems like she may be on the show more them Marysol.... How awkward when the mother was digging for sex stories from her daughter!? Her face is so plastic looking, yet she tried to say she doesn't believe in plastic surgery!?? What alternate universe is she living on that she thinks we belive her? I've never heard of her PR firm by the way... anyone? And lastly how awkward was it when she asked her all female staff how their weekend was when it was Friday? Clearly she is an air head...
"Some people look at me and they look at my husband and just because he's older and maybe doesn't look a certain way....." says Alexia... Deeming herself the "cuban barbie," this woman proves why they are so many higher schoolers out at clubs all night. I remember when I first started going out in the club scene here back in '07 and I'd be out on a Tuesday night at Rok Bar or Mynt, and I'd find out some of these kids were in high school- out till 5 am on a school night and buying tables... I figured they were pretending they were staying at a friends house or their parents were out partying somewhere too or they were away, but Alexa just proved that maybe a lot of "Cuban Barbie" moms know what their kids are doing but are okay with their 17 year olds staying out all night and going on cruises with their girlfriends. Instead of lecturing her son about eating healthy so he can be a model and actor, she should focus on convincing her son to wait till he's out of high school to use a fake ID?
Now Lea Black is an odd addition to the group. She looks like she belongs on the Real Housewives of Dallas, which makes sense because she said she's from Texas but HELLO you are in Miami now, Lea! The MOM jeans you wore at the girls cooking lesson/dinner party were hideous and a major fashion don't with the white button down tied in like a wierd early 90s type of way!?? However maybe her roll is to be the "mom" of the group, the organizer, and she must throw great parties at that house of hers....
Overall, I'm not too wow-ed. Beverly Hills is better, and I'm so sad to say that since Miami is my city, but Dear Bravo maybe you need me on there in a few years with my friends :) Of course I'll keep watching though.... and the previews look like there's lots of drama to come...Cameos on the show-
Dennis Rodman- didn't know he still existed?
Casa Tua
Penguin/C&C Store on Lincoln